Tuesday 27 December 2011

Mula Terasa Kehilangan

Sob..sob..tissue please...wahhh kemain minta tisu...pe hal ni...

This morning, my lovely bos going to tranferred to new office ( kononnye new la) at PKD Zon 1...  and suddenly I feel like losing someone that very very and veryyyy happening.. outspoken , LOUD ( take note dia memang loud yerrr..kasi gegar opis punye...)

And.. rasa macam.. for a short being how should I to continue this task (being a pegawai pelaksana PMI) ...hahaha..new gelaran for us.. dan sebenarnya bila keadaan jadi begini hati terasa sayu je..mungkin kebiasaan asyik melihat my boss je ke sana ke mari, hear her voice for that far far awayyyy, but then , this coming new year , tiada lagi seri bakal jutawan lagi doploh tahun ..(katenye) ...so how should I feel???

Tu la kebiasaan kan..bila tiada baru terasa kerinduan..bila suara tiada kedengaran mulalah terasa kesunyian...ceewaaahhh..cam kehilangan pakwe je..padahal bukan tarnfer jauh pun..sekangkang kera Ayu Raudhah je pun.. klu korang nk tau ayu tu ade kera ke monyet ape ntah jadi pet dia..siap sanding sama2 lagi..yukkss

Pe pun.. I hope for the best for my ex-boss...Hopefully she always success as she wish.. n keep continuing remember our hardest and sweetest time together in PMI..

p/s: now, I'm trying to learn  love my boss yang sorang lagi...xoxoxo

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